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Facebook adds new daily breakdowns for video metrics

by: Nancy Yoshihara |

Responding to publishers’ requests for a way to see how their videos are doing, Facebook said the new daily breakdowns will help track viewing patterns.  

The information should provide “a more detailed picture of performance that we hope will help publishers inform their video strategies,' Anaid Gomez-Ortigoza, product manager, wrote in a post announcing the new video metric update.

Beginning last Thursday, the following metrics became available for daily breakdowns: 

  • Minutes Viewed: The total minutes of watch time spent on the video on a particular day.
  • Views: The number of times your video was viewed on a particular day.
  • 10-second Views: The number of times the video was viewed to 10 seconds on a particular day. If the video is shorter than 10 seconds, this metric refers to the number of times people viewed at least 97 percent of the video.

Nancy Yoshihara

Nancy Yoshihara is content manager at KDMC and its website with a focus on News for Digital Innovators and Tools, Tips
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