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Technology for engagement: Knight Digital Citizenship report

by: Amy Gahran |

The new Digital Citizenship report from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation explores the current state of technology being used for civic engagement. It covers some early successes as well as roadblocks, and offers recommendations for the future.

What's "engagement tech?" Examples include the Code for America projects, as well as Community PlanIt -- an online "engagement game" which helped the Boston Public School District involve the local community more deeply in its planning efforts.

This report digests the projects, ideas, and themes discussed in the 2012 Technology for Engagement Summit, held June 1 by the Knight Foundation, MIT Media Lab and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Topics covered include:

  • The role of technology
  • The role of narratives and gaming
  • Business models
  • Measuring success
  • Opening up government
  • Building the field
  • What's next
  • Terms of engagement

Read the full report here ยป

Amy Gahran

Amy Gahran is a journalist, editor, trainer, entrepreneur, strategist, and media consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. In addition to writing
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