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Apps that help simplify the process of making animated gifs

by: Nancy Yoshihara |

Animated gifs, online visuals that combine still photos and videos, are popular and widely used by news sites. Photoshop may be most commonly used to make animated gifs, but there a number of apps that provide similar and simpler gif-making tools, according to Katy Mersmann of RJI Futures Lab.

The apps can create gifs on desktops and mobile. They vary in what they offer from simple still photo gif making to more involved processes. Some charge a fee. Mersmann tested five apps and provides a helpful guide of the pros and cons that each app has to offer. In the RJI Futures Lab Update #125 video she reviews each of the following:

Nancy Yoshihara

Nancy Yoshihara is content manager at KDMC and its website with a focus on News for Digital Innovators and Tools, Tips
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