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[Archived Webinar, June 2013] Mobile Media Basics for Community Engagement

Instructor: Amy Gahran

Co-hosted by New Jersey News Commons, this webinar will help community news site understand why they need to go mobile right now to reach and engage more people in their area. Learn how to assess your local mobile market, how to make your website mobile-friendly, and how to leverage existing mobile platforms and services.


Webinar Slides


Who should take this course:

  • Community news website operators and funders

What you will learn:

  • Latest research on how people are using mobile devices to get community information and engage with local governments, organizations, and services.
  • Mobile engagement strategies.
  • Why your website needs a "responsive design."
  • Existing mobile tools, platforms, and services you can use to create or augment your project.

Amy Gahran

Amy Gahran is a journalist, editor, trainer, entrepreneur, strategist, and media consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. In addition to writing
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