Mobile resources for community foundations
This list of links supports the information presented July 18, 2013 at an event for community foundations in the West. It was hosted by KDMC-USC in partnership with The Denver Foundation, The Piton Foundation and The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County. The presenter was Amy Gahran, mobile/digital media consultant and a regular contributor to the KDMC website.
ZeroDivide Foundation: Funding mobile strategies for social impact. 2012 white paper co-authored by Amy Gahran as a strategic guide to foundations seeking to support efforts to help underserved communities via mobile devices.
comScore: Mobile Future in Focus 2013 (February 2013)
Pew Internet: Smartphone ownership 2013
BIA/Kelsey: Annual Analyst Picks & Predictions
Nielsen: State of the media, social media report 2012 (December 2012)
BIA/Kelsey: Mobile Local Search Volume Will Surpass Desktop Local Search in 2015 (April 2012)
Mailchimp: E-mail on mobile devices report plus mobile-friendly e-mail templates.
ProPublica launches free iPhone, iPad magazine, KDMC July 10. App built by 29th St. Publishing. (June 2013)
Vojo mobile community media platform launches this week (June 2013)
News websites featuring top-end responsive web design: Oakland Local, Boston Globe and Quartz
Text4Baby: Interactive, customized, informational text messaging service. Free of charge.
Mobile-friendly web app: Propublica Dialysis Facility Tracker
VotoLatino smartphone app to support Latino voting in U.S. elections.
SeeClickFix app to support reporting, tracking of community issues.
MePorter, Posterous: mobile tools to support community reporters.
Cocktail Compass, local happy hour app developed by The Stranger (Seattle alt weekly), rolled out to several other cities.
Community mobile market research survey: PDF, MS Word. Instructions
Text messaging interactivity tools: Twilio and Mobile Commons
Google Analytics: mobile and goals
Wordpress: mobile plugins, responsive themes for news sites
Drupal mobile documentation
What the heck is responsive web design? Presentation by John Polacek.
Bootstrap, free open-source front end development framework for responsive websites. Built at Twitter.
RedOxygen: text messaging vendor, very reputable. Will keep you on the right side of the law.