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[Archived Virtual Class, April 2013] Learn How To Raise Visibility: Build Audience, Engagement and Reach

Instructor: Susan Mernit

This four-week, instructor-led online course that will take participants through the basic elements behind successful online promotion via social media and through local events and outreach in your community.

Everyone involved in managing and promoting a project will learn about best practices, tools and techniques for increasing audience engagement, driving traffic and engagement through social media, optimizing web traffic through SEO, syndication and distribution, and using data to fine-tune results.

Please note that this April class is now closed. Sign up for our newsletter on the right-had side of our homepage for ongoing info about resources and classes.

You can also review the Archived Webinar, Raising Visibility: Building Audience, Engagement and Reach.


Who should take this course: 

Everyone working on a project for which they'd like to grow audience and engagement can benefit from the virtual class series, especially if you'd like to improve your use of social media tools and metrics to help improve audience, engagement and reach.

What you will learn:

  • How to use social media tools, Search engine optimization, keywords, and syndication and disrtibution to increase audience, engagement and reach
  • How to use basic metrics tools to finetune and adjust your work for maximum ROI