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Find the right metrics to assess the impact of community information.

Find the right metrics to assess the impact of community information.

Helping the local community tell its stories is not without its challenges and rewards – some unexpected and some delightful. Learn how one community foundation has tapped into citizen reporting to engage local residents. 

Explore tools and methods the civic sector is using to collect and understand community data.

Connect with your local tech community to build a digital coalition for social change.

The Knight Digital Media Center and The Denver Foundation with The Piton Foundation and the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County presented a unique two-day workshop exploring how community foundations can better engage the public around issues they care about by using new digital tools and best practices.

This two-day session was designed for foundation leaders – Presidents/CEOs, vice presidents, program and communications specialists – and leaders of other mission-driven organizations. The purpose was two-fold: Help foundations advance digital strategies that are important to them and introduce them to innovative work in news and information for civic engagement.

Technology & partnerships that inform and build a more engaged community.  

This four-week, instructor-led online course that will take participants through the basic elements behind successful online promotion via social media and through local events and outreach in your community.

The presentation describes how community information creates significant benefits from collective action.